Prenatal Care at Wildflower Healthcare

Wildflower Healthcare is now offering a prenatal clinic on Wednesday mornings!

Retired OB/GYN Dr. Charles Tatum, a dedicated Wildflower Healthcare volunteer, will see eligible patients on a regular basis on Wednesdays by appointment from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. In addition, Wildflower Healthcare will assist patients in applying for insurance as their due date approaches so they will have coverage for the birth of their babies.

To see if they are eligible for services and to schedule an appointment, patients should call Wildflower Healthcare at 904-829-1962. Patients can pre-qualify over the phone. The eligibility requirements are simple: one must be 18 years old or older, be a resident of St. Johns County, have no insurance for the service they’re seeking help with, and live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.

Please be advised that patients will be accepted for the prenatal program at the discretion of the Wildflower medical team. 


Now offering Hearing Screenings


Sleep and Weight Control