What’s New at the Clinic?

Wildflower has enjoyed recent technology upgrades! Thanks to a very generous grant, we were able to purchase brand new computers, laptops, and a new computer drive to make workflow more efficient.

The new equipment was much needed, as all the old laptops and computers were quite dated, had missing keys and a plethora of extra cords that became quite troublesome when working throughout the day.

Our staff and volunteers are now able to navigate through the Electronic Medical Records system with ease and much faster than the old system would allow. We are excited to now have computers that don't break down or freeze up al the time, and that are not damaged from the many years of use and love!

In March we went paperless with our patient "paperwork"! We launched the new electronic version of Practice Fusion through the IT company Curamei. Thank you for your patience with us as we transitioned to the new system. It took a bit to work out all the kinks to get everything running smoothly.

This new method should free up a lot of time that was spent printing, uploading, and filing. We are excited about the opportunity to serve our patients in a timelier manner.

Another new development is working with the MASS Clinic (Muslim American Social Services) to offer more specialists' services to our patients. The great news is that we have a much wider variety of providers to refer to who are willing to offer their expertise for free. And many of them take weekend appointments! The not-so-great news is that most of them are in Jacksonville, so transportation can be a challenge for some.

Still, for the patients who can get there, this opens up many new doors of opportunity, and we are grateful for our new partnership with the MASS Clinic!


Patient Success Stories


Wildflower Hires New Medical Provider! (Copy)